muse list.

Tokyo Revengers


Name: Shion Madarame
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 180 cm
Age: 15-27 verse dependent.
MAD DOG ! That's what they call him , and hey let them. It sounds pretty fuckin' cool. — but even hounds with a taste for blood and fights have a home. Say what you want about him: brainless , good-for-nothing, worthless ; you won't find one person who can criticize his devout loyalty.

Name: Ichika
Height: 165 cm
Gender: fluid (he/him) but wouldn't object to others
Age: 16-28 verse dependent.
Ichika , Leader of Tentai 天体 ... hey when did that actually happen ? You only meant to see the world with the people you know your soul understands. Before long people are calling you boss and leader. Well , whatever makes them happy.Background:
Do you know what collateral is? Yeah , it's you. Your parents owe so much money , and before you even know what that means you're doing criminal activity to pay it all back. ( What did your parents look like again? )If you make enough you can go home. Your last job is to kill a couple who has gotten involved with law enforcement instead of paying back what they owe. As promised , your debts are settled , but you didn't even know you killed the ones who you were fighting so hard to go back to.

Name: Daiki
Height: 170cm
Gender: Male (he/him)
You're one of the lucky ones , don't you know ? You were adopted at such a late age , and the couple who took you are wealthy and kind ( even if they do not understand you. ) You want to become the child they deserve. Who you were doesn't matter , who you become will make them proud. Kill your old self , watch him cry and feel nothing.Who are you again ?picrew cred

Name: Mo Guanshan

Name: Itaru Chigasaki